Mar 13, 2020
Only a few days ago, most of us would not have known that a whole new vector was in play in our big cities – cities in the US, in Europe, in Iran, in China, and most probably in locations we are not yet recognizing. Cities have long been sites for far more diverse conflicts…
Mar 13, 2020
In Homo Sacer, the Italian philosopher writes of the repression which occurs when a state of exception exists; people’s lives are reduced to a biological minimum, as in the Nazi concentration camps. But this reduction can persist once the exceptional conditions pass. The sociologist Alain Touraine long ago showed how war-time conditions legitimated state regulation…
Mar 13, 2020
Disconnected policies and too-rigid adherence to out-dated rules. Inability to align community capabilities with national, or local services. One-size-fits-all emergency management. These and a panoply of other issues are currently vexing official bodies, local charities, community activists and others, each seeking to stem the Covid-19 outbreak and its effects worldwide. These are also some of…
Mar 13, 2020
Over the last decade, urban planners, designers, developers, and municipalities have begun integrating the concepts of sustainability and resiliency into their city plans. While this is a positive step, it is still not the standard; while often discussed, it is rarely formalized or implemented. More recently, themes of wellness, wellbeing, and inclusion have entered the…
Mar 13, 2020
In a world defined by the constant movement of goods, capital, people, data and all else, building a smart city is to build a city with the least friction possible in order to maximize its flow. COVID-19 reminds us that frictions are sometimes a necessity, even when the flow of people as economic actors is…
Mar 13, 2020
Be safe, stay healthy. In the post-COVID-19 world, these phrases aren’t just platitudes, they’re the mark of a movement that’s quickly pervaded every aspect of American life. Typed into email signoffs, hashtagged on social media, digitized on freeway signage, and emblazoned on theater marquees—“be safe, stay healthy” offers a constant reminder of our goals as…
Mar 11, 2020
Curridabat, Costa Rica Category Winner Prioritizing Wellbeing Why is Curridabat a wellbeing city? >>> Including pollinators as stakeholders in city planning is a truly holistic and innovative approach that reminds us that we are all a part of — and dependent on — local ecosystems. >>> Curridabat is monitoring its residents’ wellbeing through a tailored-made system…
Mar 11, 2020
Curitiba, Brazil Category Winner Building a Vibrant Urban Economy Why is Curitiba a wellbeing city? >>> Vale do Pinhão successfully boosts residents’ feeling of ownership and involvement in the economic life of the city. >>> Promoting urban requalification and residents’ professional development is an investment in long-term wellbeing. >>> The impact of Vale do Pinhão helped Curitiba rank…
Mar 11, 2020
New York City, USA Category Winner Supporting Cohesive Communities Why is New York a wellbeing city? >>> New York City’s Housing Authority is innovatively placing wellbeing at the core of its design standards by integrating considerations on social cohesion and sense of security. >>> The initiative is highly inclusive as it directly involves residents, local associations, and a…
Mar 10, 2020
Buenos Aires, Argentina Category Winner Planning for Better Urban Health Why is Buenos Aires a wellbeing city? >>> The approach is highly inclusive: along with safe cycling infrastructure, the City is offering a free public bike system. It is also a gender-sensitive approach, as it offers an alternative mode of transportation to women, 100% of…
Mar 10, 2020
Bordeaux, France Category Winner Integrating Nature and Biodiversity Why is Bordeaux a wellbeing city? >>> The sustainable participatory budget initiative empowers all residents to be agents in their own wellbeing. They are involved in every step of the project, from decision-making to implementation. The approach is inclusive, allowing every inhabitant to submit a project and vote,…
Mar 10, 2020